AFTER twelve years of pioneering work in the field of religious literacy Dr Jennifer Taylor, the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Lapido Media left the organisation to concentrate on research, writing and consultancy.
Lapido Media is profoundly grateful to her for her courage and her indomitable spirit in being ‘a voice speaking in the wilderness’. We are grateful too for her faithfulness in braving the struggle and isolation of establishing the charity as a significant contributor to debate in society about the place of religion in national life, and in championing engagement in the media that is neither partisan nor partial.
Lapido Media is the Centre for Religious Literacy in Journalism, a UK-based charity with a global interest in how journalists understand and report on all matters that have a religious dimension. Through our website, our publications, our training programmes and our campaigning we help journalists deliver insights and work that better serves the public good.
Lapido Media will continue to serve journalists and those in the media under the guidance of its newly appointed Chief Executive, Francis Hawley. Frances says of Dr Taylor’s work:
‘Dr Taylor’s longstanding commitment to promoting religious literacy in the public square, especially in the media, is well-known and distinguished. She has had the courage, when necessary, to go it alone, and her voice has always been strong and challenging. We still see in all kinds of media coverage a lack of religious literacy, a fact that I am grateful has been called to attention by the current Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, over the recent London Bridge attacks. There is still much work to do in helping the media to bring its reporting up to the highest standards of religious literacy. Dr Taylor has blazed a trail into this uncharted territory over the last twelve years.’
Dr Nick Isbister, the current Chair of Lapido Media says:
‘Dr Taylor has been the inspiration and driving force behind Lapido Media. We would not be able to serve our constituencies at all without her prescience, wisdom and her great gifts as a communicator. We are most grateful to her for her selfless service to the cause. We wish her well in this next phase of her ministry.’